Your Neighbors and How To Get Along With Them

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June 20, 2017 Apartment Living

When you buy an apartment, you get a community of your own with different kinds of neighbors sharing the same apartment complex. It is a bonus when you have helpful neighbors.  They can keep a look out for your home when you are away or do something extra for you if your near and dear ones live far away. Getting along with your neighbors can give you lots of perks, whereas problematic neighbors can disrupt the peace of your mind. Here are some common issues you may face with your neighbors and how to tackle them:

Parking Issue

One of the most common neighborly issues you may face in your apartment complex is someone else using your parking spot. If the issue becomes regular, instead of approaching them directly regarding the problem, try to build a rapport with them initially. This way you can bring up the issue politely and tell them that you are facing problem because of it. This will make the neighbor feel altruistic towards you instead of being defensive.

Noisy neighbors

If you live in a small apartment with several apartment units on same the same floor, noise can be a big issue. Your neighbors may have tendency to play loud music at night, throw parties, invite large crowd and so on. While you should be empathetic towards certain neighborly noises, you should take note to talk to your neighbors if the problem becomes persistent. Instead of hurling abuses on the staircase lobby, go over to the neighbor’s apartment and sort out the issue in a polite but firm way.

Littering issue

Littering is a very common issue while living in a flat in Bangladesh. It not only destroys your apartment aesthetics but also fosters an unhealthy living environment where you can easily fall sick. If you find your neighbor to be guilty of this malpractice, such as throwing garbage from top floor, and littering around your apartment complex, you should immediately notify them. You should also do your part and help to keep your community clean, such as not leaving trash at front door or littering in common spaces like lobbies, staircases, ground floor.

When to call emergency

Sometimes, you may find situations which you cannot control, such as you may hear fighting or violence going on in your next door apartment or you may smell smoke and there could be a fire outbreak, or perhaps, your neighbor might need medical attention. In such cases don’t hesitate to contact the proper authority and seek help.

When you live in an apartment community, it is likely you will meet various kinds of people who will have different backgrounds, values from yours. The bottom line is you should always treat your neighbors with the same respect that you want from others. Even if someone is out of line with you, there is no point in getting down to their level. Remember, it says more about their personality than yours. Having friendly neighbors who can maintain peace even during rough times can make your apartment living experience meaningful and joyous, so cherish those relationships.