To verify all the rate with items submitted in contractor bill by project personnel.
To Check all the job codes with the job items of bill sheet considering the actual materials consumption.
Find out all the supporting documents attached with the bill such as- w/o, challan, c/s, work quality checklist, related compliance reports etc.
Communicate with the project personnel regarding the contractor bills as & when required.
Regular project person list update along with detail information.
To check the bill qty as per BOQ & Complete the bill entries in software within a stipulated time frame.
To ensure the highest quality of construction works performed by respective project personnel by following the company policy during processing of contractor bill.
Update & maintain rate schedule as when it is required.
Maintaining all billing documents for future reference.
To Maintain all types of quality checklist during processing a bill like Cylinder test report, Tiles cavity test reports etc. Contractor security deposit preservation & deposit withdrawn process as per company policy.
Employment Status
Work at office
Educational Requirements
Diploma in Civil Engineering from any reputed Govt. Institution.
Experience Requirements
At least 3 year(s)
Additional Requirements
Age at least 25 years
Excellent communication skills, expert in computer & able to draft SOP/Memo/office circulars etc.
Hard worker, willing to work under pressure.
At least 2 years working experience in billing section.
Dear Patron, Our Eid holidays has started. We will be pausing all of our operations till 4th April, 2025. We are going to be back and ready to serve you from 5th April, 2025 onwards. Till then, have a happy & safe holiday!